Monday, July 14, 2014

Living a joyful journey

Recently I converted most of my pictures in my kitchen to song quotes and went old school to find my quotes.  As I read through countless Keith Green, Rich Mullins, and Michael Card songs, the Michael Card song, Joy in the Journey really struck me.
"There is a joy in the journey. There is a light you can love all your days.  There is a wildness and wonder to life and a freedom for those who obey."  
I struggle with hopes and dreams that look to be unfulfilled.  I get lost in the busyness of life.  I become complacent in the day to day of life.   All of these things distract from the purpose of life, worship and honor of Jesus.  As I look at what my life is and what may or may not be, I am reminded this is my life.  This is my life where I CHOOSE joy.  I CHOOSE to love Jesus.  I CHOOSE to embrace the wildness and wonder of life and see where Jesus leads me.  I CHOOSE to obey Jesus despite the cost (however trivial or untrivial) to myself.   
This blog is a way to remind myself that I am on a wondrously joyful journey to honor my loving savior.  That my purpose in life is Jesus and not me.   And as Michael Card says in his song, all who see it (the joyful life of Christ), will find it.  May I find Jesus more deeply on my life journey.