Friday, October 21, 2016

The Tortoise and the Hare

If there are two things I know about myself, I go quickly and I speak fast.  Hmmm, those two things are interrelated.....
  • If I teach Sunday School, it is generally done in half the time- ok sometimes in 1/4 of the time. 
  • When I led youth group, my first lesson lasted 5 minutes- true story.   Talk about trying to fill up time.
  • When I talk, I talk so fast I trip over names and always get them wrong.  I spent the evening with a Kristine and Kristin.  That was just an exercise in futility. Or working with a Megan, Melissa and Michelle? Too many M names for me to say the right one.
Me at any given moment
 And now here I am teaching an ESL class which last 2 hours and is filled with people who need me to speak slowly.  So I have to move slowly and prepare for 2 hours AND I have to talk slowly.   Did I mention my nickname at my first job was Speedy?  And that my mom moves fast too so it is ingrained in me?

Teaching ESL has been good for me.  I have only taught two lessons so far, but I have had more than enough material for the class and moved slowly through every thing.  (Granted some activities haven't worked quite as I envisioned, but that is ok.)  I also am able to slow down and speak slowly.  I don't know if it is because I just know I HAVE to or prayer or both.  But it is encouraging that I can teach and speak in a slower manner when I want to.

Who I need to be more often
I read somewhere that taking on a new task is hard and uncomfortable.  But being uncomfortable and doing hard things is good as that is what makes us depend on God and refines us.  We grow in our dependence on God and in our character.   And it is true. Teaching is uncomfortable for me; speaking slow is REALLY hard for me; lesson planning is hard for me.  But I am turning to God for strength and depending on Him more.   And hopefully developing my character as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I completely understand. I talk extremely fast. My husband says I speak my own language sometimes. ESL will definiely make you intentionally slow down and it is hard sometimes. I am so thankful you are willing to teach even when it is challenging! Thank you so much for serving.
