Monday, July 24, 2017

40 years and counting

Yesterday, we celebrated our parent's 40th anniversary.  They are an example to us and to others of loving each other and Jesus and of commitment. And it is good to honor them.

My sister had the idea to surprise them.  With some help from Chipolte and Dairy Queen, we had a plan all laid out.  Until......  sickness kept two of my favorite families home and the party dropped in size by a third.  And a storm wrecked havoc on the house we were going to be at and we did a last minute switch of houses.  In spite all that, it worked out.

40 years ago- Aunt Betty, Mom, Dad, Uncle Dwight
Mom and Dad showed up at Holly's house thinking they were just doing dinner with Holly and her in-laws.   They were truly surprised to see the whole family and some good friends.  But the surprise went up another level when Aunt Betty and Uncle Dwight (who Mom thought were busy with other events) popped out from around the corner.

Anniversary Family Picture (PC: Frances)
Our party was small and intimate but sweet with close friends and family who are part of the fabric of Mom and Dad's lives (and us kids).   We had a slide show with lots of comments on pictures, a wedding album I stole earlier that week from their house with a little help from a friend, questions and answers about Mom and Dad by the grand kids, the bridesmaid dress Aunt Betty had worn on display, and good food and conversation.

Dad told us we did well.  I take that as a compliment.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

A shout out to Julie for being part of the surprise planning, to Frances for taking pictures, and especially to Aunt Betty and Uncle Dwight for making the trip up to celebrate.

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