Monday, November 7, 2016

Everyone Should Have a Scott

Photo: Everyone should have a Scott in their life.  Born 18 months after me, I don't remember life without him.  If you asked me as a teenager if I thought we would be close as an adults, I would probably have doubted that. But as an adult, my life is very much full of him.   We have many of the same good friends; we live close to each other; his children are my only nieces and nephew.

So why should everyone have a Scott in their life?

He helps me with all sorts of things.  In the past month, my dad and he have put in my kitchen floors. He came to my friend's house and fixed my car so I could take it to my dad's for my dad to work on it. He is always willing to help me even though I know I can be a burden.

He lets me be part of his family's life.  On any given weekend, I am probably hanging out with his kids at least once if not two or three times.  I eat dinner with them, watch movies, play games, read, so on and so forth.....

He is smart and analytical.  If he has a question or issue to work through, he thinks and thinks about it before coming to a conclusion and seeks counsel if he needs to.  He also is able to see the gray and recognize that others may come to a different conclusion and accepts that.

But the biggest reason I am glad to have a Scott in my life?
His wife is one of my favoritest women and his children are my some of my favoritest children.

Happy Birthday!