Friday, September 30, 2016


Contentment is hard to grasp.  The longing for ..... is always there.  And contentment threatens to elude.

I long for a hundred thousand things that I will probably never attain.  Focusing on the things I long for brings discontentment and anxiety. And goodness knows, I already live in a state of anxiety.  I could write blog posts everyday for a year about anxiety and not cover all the anxiety issues I have.  I need to focus on maintaining contentment in my circumstances and not longing for the unobtainable.

You will keep those in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on You.  
Is 26:3.

This verse helps me as I look for contentment.  Releasing the longings (and anxiety) and fixing my mind on Jesus. In Him, there is perfect peace.  While easier said than done, I want the habit of fixing my mind to be second nature.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh ..yes. Contentment is such a struggle as we navigate through this world and all its false promises...promising us happiness if we only had more of this, less of that or maybe just something different. But amazingly enough we find every need and desire ending in Him, Our Provider.
