Monday, September 5, 2016

A Friend who is Family

Today is not only Labor Day; it is this woman's birthday.

Eight and a half years ago, I was recently home from abroad, my brother has just gotten married, my sister was in vet school, my closest friend had just moved to Oklahoma with her husband and infant. I needed friends and I needed children to invest in as even then I knew that was important.  That November, she was the first person at the church to invited me into her house.   God's hand was in that as he knew that we were meant to be family.  And eight and a half years later, we are truly family in every way but blood.  Her husband is like an older brother to me.  Her kids are like nieces and nephews to me.  And she is one of my dearest and closest friends and means the world to me.

She has intentionally made me family.  I have gone to countless kid's games; I have watched the kids, I have done birthday celebrations; I spend Thanksgiving with them.  She has counted every grammar and spelling error in this post.

Besides my brothers' family, there is no one I spend more time with than her family.  Some of my favorite things to do on a given weekend are:
  • watch NFL games with E
  • go out to eat and chat with R
  • do bible study and watch or talking about Dr Who with J
  • watch M play soccer games
  • play games with the family 
Christmas bowling celebration  2011
Last winter, when I didn't want to be home, she and her husband made sure I could just go over to their house if need be.  She makes me laugh at myself like no one else can.  She is always willing to listen to all my joys, troubles, worries.   Besides my sister, she is the first person I go to tell about a date.  She is the first person I go to when I need advice and she always makes time for me (even if it is in the food court of Crown while M is playing soccer- true story.) She is a kindred spirit. She gets me and I get her.

Happy Birthday!!!!


  1. Well. That is beautiful and humbling. You are so precious to me and everyone in my house.

  2. Well. That is beautiful and humbling. You are so precious to me and everyone in my house.

  3. What a wonderful tribute to a dear friend!!

  4. What a wonderful tribute to a dear friend!!
